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Service prices

We offer you more than just vehicle rental. We can also supply you with additional services like short term (hourly) rentals, moving, rental with a driver, a mover or two. We also offer auto-transportation and personal transport.

Hourly rates
Van rental 400 CZK / hour
Driver 300 CZK / hour
Mover 400 CZK / hour
2 movers 800 CZK / hour
  • No need for returnable cash advance if you rent a van with a driver!
Van with a mover / driver 800 CZK / hour*
Van with 2 movers 1200 CZK / hour*
  • * 3.6 CZK for each kilometer must be added to the hour rate.
  • No need for returnable cash advance if you rent a van with a driver!
Auto Transportation
Personal transport 10 CZK / km
Auto transportation 8 – 10 CZK / km
  • No need for returnable cash advance if you rent a van with a driver!

Prices do not include 21 % VAT